Welcome to Kharne, a world modelled after Lord of the Rings and Warhammer: battle-torn and populated by numerous races, as well as dread creatures of legend. Here you may take the throne of one of a number of land-hungry realms, in the quest for empire. Send forth thy regiments and fleets, thy commanders and beast-allies to conquer provinces and carve out a mighty dominion. In time, you may be proclaimed as a dragonlord of the land, and win glory everlasting. Dragonlords is a giant play-by-email boardgame, with 24 players from all over the world. Players are now being accepted for new games, so prepare thyself, for the dragons shall soon be unleashed!
To view your realm and issue orders, you use the Diploware, which is a software program you download here. When you install the Diploware, the Rulebook will also be installed (be sure to browse through this, which is available from your Windows Start Menu). The Diploware (download size: 9 MB) is for PCs with any version of Windows (Win XP, Win98, Win95, NT or Win2000). The game & software are completely free, and there is absolutely no spyware, adware, or advertising of any kind involved, period. To learn more, see below:
Important Note: You should close any unneeded programs you have open before running the diploware, to ensure that it will run efficiently on your computer (this is especially the case for older computers).